Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Press On!

I'm NOT perfect, but God didn't come for the righteous but rather the weak. I am weak and I need the Lord! I am not where I need to be, but THANK GOD I am not where I use to be! Growth in God is a SLOW process!! No one is going to be perfected over night, but we need to have a heart of compassion, love, and forgiveness because God forgave us first so that we can forgive others! WE ALL MESS UP, NOT JUST SOME OF US! WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITES AT ONE POINT IN TIME, BUT IT'S WHERE YOUR HEART IS, AND TO HAVE THE GOAL OF GAINING CHRIST IS KEY! So Keep On Keepin' On, and don't give up! Forgive yourself for your mistake and press on towards the goal!!! Don't let people stop you, and don't let YOURSELF stop you either!! God Speed!! :)

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